As part of your visit to we use cookies and similar technologies such as pixels and web beacons (all referred to as “ Cookie ”). We have prepared this Cookie Policy (“ Policy ”) to inform you about the use of cookies by Ege Zirai.

1. What are cookies

Cookies are small files stored on your browser or device when you visit a website. Cookies allow the user and her/his device to be recognized and to store some information about the user’s preferences and past transactions.

2. How do cookies collect data

When you first visit our website, you will be presented with a screen regarding your cookie preferences. In accordance with the cookies you consent to be used on this screen, relevant cookies are stored on your browser/device.Each cookie generally contains the following elements:
  1. The name of the server where the cookie was sent from,
  2. Cookie usage period,
  3. A value - usually a randomly generated unique number (the website server which sent the cookie uses this number to recognise you when you return to a site or browse from page to page).
Through cookies, data are collected by automated methods (without human intervention).Cookies are divided into two as session cookies and persistent cookies according to their usage period. Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of the relevant session. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, are stored on your device throughout their usage period and deleted et the end of its usage period. These types of cookies serve to remember you and your preferences when you visit the website again.Cookies can be created by the website you are visiting (first party cookies) or by third parties (third party cookies).

3. What data do cookies collect

The following data are collected and processed through cookies: the browser and operating system you use, IP address, user ID, date and time of your visit, interaction status (for example, whether you have accessed the website or received an error alert), the use of the features on the site, the search phrases you enter, how often you visit our site, your language preferences, user transaction records including scrolling movements and information about the tabs you access.

4. Why are cookies used

Cookies are used for the purposes of ensuring that your visit to our website is properly performed and your information is remembered the next time you visit it, improving the functioning and content of the website, statistically evaluating the use of the website, presenting the content on the website in the most effective way for you and your device, and providing customized services and ads to users in line with their preferences and usage habits.Cookies are divided into various categories according to their usage purposes and functions. Below are the categories of cookies used on our website and the usage purposes of each cookie:
Technical/Necessary Cookies → These are the cookies required for the use and functionality of the website. If technical cookies are disabled, it may not be possible to access some or all of the website. a) First Party Cookies and Their Usage Purposes First-party cookies, created directly by Ege Zirai, used on our website and their usage purposes are as follows:
Cookie Name Purpose of Use
deviceId It allows us to create an ID/identity for the user's device. It is used for security purposes.
foodId It allows us to keep the product information selected by the user before logging into the system.
Location, profile, gsm, selectedAddressId It allows us to store certain information of the users. For example, location cookie store the user's location and address information; profile cookie store the identity and contact information of the user.

b) Third Party Cookies and Their Usage Purposes Third-party cookies used on our website and their usage purposes are as follows:
Cookie Name Purpose of Use
rc::a, rc::c It is used to distinguish between humans and bots. The rc: aa cookie is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.

Analysis/Performance Cookies → Analysis cookies collect information about how users use the website. Such cookies are cookies used to develop/improve user experiences. These cookies include information such as screens/links displayed by users, number of clicks, scrolling pages and time to enter and exit these pages.Third-party analysis cookies used on our website and their usage purposes are as follows:
Cookie Name Purpose of Use
_ga, _gid It is used to register a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.
_gat It is used by Google Analytics to control/limit the request rate.
collect It is used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. It tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
_ym_d It is used to save the first date the user visited the site.
_ym_uid, yandexuid, i These cookies allow differentiating the users.
yp, mda These cookies are used to measure and analyze the traffic of this website. It collects information about how visitors use our website.
ymex Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.
gdpr, is_gdpr, is_gdpr_b Used by Yandex Metrica to collect information about the visitor's behaviors on our website.

Marketing/Targeting Cookies → These are the cookies used to present advertisements/campaigns according to the interests of the users and to measure the effectiveness of marketing activities.Third-party marketing cookies used on our website and their intended use are as follows:
Cookie Name Purpose of Use
_fbp, fr, tr It is used by Facebook to measure and improve the relevance of ads and to deliver advertisement products such as real time bidding from third-party advertisers.
_gcl_au It is used by Google AdSense to measure advertisement efficiency across websites using Google AdSense services.
ads/ga-audiences It is used by Google AdWords to re-engage the users that are likely to convert to customers based on the user's online behavior across the website.
IDE It is used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking on one of the advertiser's ads in with the purpose of measure the efficacy of an ad and present targeted ads to the user.
pagead/1p-conversion/# - pagead/1p-user-list/# Cookies used by Google for targeted advertising activities.
test_cookie It is used to check whether the user's browser supports cookies.
yuidss It is used to collect information on user’s behavior on websites. This information is used on the website in order to optimise the efficacy of the advertisement.

For some of the cookies mentioned above, Google Analytics (a web analysis service provided by Google) and Google Ads services are used. For comprehensive information about the processing of your personal data within the scope of the services provided by Google Inc:
For comprehensive information on how Facebook, another third party cookie provider, processes your personal data:
For comprehensive information on how Yandex, another third party cookie provider, processes your personal data for some of the cookies mentioned above:
Some of the companies that we get services for third-party cookies are located abroad, and in the case of the use of these cookies, some of your personal data will be transferred abroad. For this reason, in the part where your cookie preferences are asked, your consent is asked for the use of relevant cookies and for the transfer of your data abroad in this context. If you do not want to consent to the use of the cookies and your personal data to be transferred abroad, please do not consent to use of cookies.
Your personal data collected through cookies are processed on the legal grounds of the establishment, execution or protection of a right and data processing is necessary for our legitimate interests. However, we ask you whether you have your consent to use certain cookies. If you consent to the use of the relevant cookies, we process your personal data based on your explicit consent.

5. How to block cookies

You can enable or disable cookies by changing your browser settings. However, in this case, it may not be possible to use some or all functions of the website. It is not possible to prevent some types of cookies (such as technical cookies) that are mandatory for the functionality of the website.For how to disable cookies, you may get information by clicking the link specific to your browser below:
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